This is a story about one of God's great miracles and how He used Florence Vineyard  website to begin a work in the country of India through a young, blind, Hindu Priest.

The story begins with an email addressed to Pastors George and Beverly Sisemore in March of 2018 and was sent by a young man living in Trichy, India. His name is Suribabu S.

Below are the contents of that first email.  As we first read the following words,  needless to say we were moved to tears with wonder and joy to see evidence of our small ministry producing fruit on another continent thousands of miles from us. 

​Grace Ministries Church in Mapleton Oregon is a very small Spirit filled congregation dedicated to teaching the gospel of grace through Jesus Christ.  We are a group of intercessors that worship and pray for the needs of others.  As you can see by the testimonies above, we are also into big time missions for such a small church and by faith we could use your help.  Please pray, perhaps you have been wanting to serve in God's kingdom and this might be a great opportunity to begin.  Currently our congregation is funding Grace Community Church, and their sister church in Gandhi Nagar and a third church building was dedicated  on 2/20/2022.   At this point there are four churches serving over 1,500 souls in four services beginning on Friday and ending Sunday evening. Pastor Suribabu launched a social media on Whatssap and has 22,500 subscribers.   Their needs are much greater than our resources as they care for the very poor and the blind.

If you are able, will you pray and help as

Holy Spirit leads? 

Please contact us via our email or telephone., or or 541-268-2025...

Because of Him, co-pastors, George and Beverly Sisemore

Grace Community Royal City was dedicated May 20,2022 and is located about twenty kilometers from our first church plant, Grace Community Church. This congregation is almost 300 and growing.  We are currently searching for additional staff to assist. 

Grace Community Church in Trichy India.

Pastor Suribabu teaches extensively on the cross and resurrectlon of Jesus the Messiah.  His messages also include the ministry of Holy Spirit and His role in the New Covenant.  The Spirit of God living in us and resting upon us is a concept that most Hindu people have never heard. Knowing that Holy Spirit is moving His church from Glory to Glory brings new joy and excitement to these beautiful people.  2nd Cor. 3:18

​​​Grace Ministries Church

Pastor Suribabu teaching his Sunday sermon from his KJV brail bible

Respected Sir, Warm Greetings to your good self in the most highly exalted Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! I count this as honour and privilege to come to you through this Email.

I found your blessed contact information through your blessed website, when I read your message that the Lord spoke to me then I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour, then I took the baptism in the Name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost.  I am Suribabu S. blind, I was born and grew up in a Hindu family, on 13th November 1999 I lost my beloved parents in a terrible road accident, cause of my blindness no one was supported me.

I collected food from the people to feed my belly few days. Later I went to a blind school which was run by Hindu temple, there I finished all of my studies, I can play instruments, and I learn computer through Jaws software.

On 2009 I started selling Agarabatties (Indian Gods) and small Idols by going different places not only selling I do teach them how to adore them in their houses.  They believe my words and give more money and good food.  On 2014 by the help of my friends and my village people I have built small temple in front of my house, all of my village people believe what I say and they made me like a priest.

 Three months back I come to know about you through your website, your message was touch my heart then I realized that I am a sinner.  That day I cried and repented myself and received Jesus Christ in to my life. I am very much thankful to you for your wonderful message.

Acts 20:28 (NKJV)
 Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. 

​​​God's Power House

​A House Of Prayer

For the very poor and blind, their Sunday meal is sometimes the best meal of the week.

Grace Community opened and was dedicated on Easter Sunday 2019 with a congregation of 476 people requiring multiple services.  The church feeds several blind people each week and 973 souls have confessed Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior in surrounding villages and hamlets.

I got married  with a blind  lady Susila; God  blessed  us  with  two
beautiful daughters now they are going to school.  We are living in a housing board, in our colony most of the people are blind and uneducated people and they worship only idols, no Church was established still now.

 Please kindly pray that I have desire to study word of God and proclaim your wonderful messages in our area. Please kindly help me to study Bible course through you and give permission to do God’s work in our area. Pray for my family and my friends. We sincerely pray for your welfare and prosperity.
Your Brother in Christ!       

S. Suribabu

In just a short time, Suribabu and his wife were ordained and almost immediately he began leading precious Hindu people to Jesus Christ.

It was not long before he began to be mocked and ridiculed for his faith.  The people living in the same housing block turned on Suribabu and his family.  They met for Sunday church service in the center open area of their compound and shared the space with goats, sheep and an occasional black Cobra.

With a government grant (due to his blindness) he and brother Daniel drew up plans for a church, submitted them to the building authorities and with financial help from Florence Vineyard Congregation constructed Grace Community Church. 

Brother Nallathambi, a cousin of Suribabu living in Gandhi Nagar, joined Suribabu as worship leader and the two of them began traveling to nearby villages and hamlets on missionary journeys. Brother Nallathambi and his family have been instrumental in founding the church in Gandhi Nagar with ninety six converts.

As they shared God's grace through Jesus Christ, many hearts were touched and the people turned from their traditional gods, (agarabatties) to the One True God and His love, His Son, Jesus Christ. 

Perhaps they will become the Paul and Silas of Tamil Nadu, the region of more than one million souls in which they travel and evangelize.